this will do – pie party potluck live runner ups

Compulsion confession: I want everything to be perfect.
Besides being a co-host for Pie Party Potluck Live, I had to bring a pie as the price of admission for the event just like all attendees. On top of that, since M attended, I also needed to bake a pie ticket for him, too.
In many ways, the most challenging aspect of this event wasn’t the planning logistics, phone calls, and dozens of emails.
It was narrowing the selection of possible pies to bring to the party. I started with a list of pies and tarts, some from my old recipe box and others I always wanted to try. A week before the event, I was left with three contenders, thinking it would be simple enough to move into semi-finalist round with only two pies to bake, pack up, and take uptown. The plan seemed to make sense.
Then came the fog of baking. I can’t recall at what point it got out of hand, and I lost count. I started to bake and bake. I had four pies the day before Pie Party. At first, I thought that would really cover all of my options . . .until I finished some last minute details for the party, and my nerves kicked in. What if this? What if that? Not satisfied, I made a fifth pie.
Only then, did I finally feel I had it, like when a photographer knows after a hundred shots he finally has the right one.
The party was a smashing success with about 70 pies, savory and sweet, from 60 pie fans. This year, the event took place at the GE Monogram Design Center in Manhattan, which provided a stylish high-end kitchen appliance backdrop. More about the event in a later post when the exorbitant amount of pie sampling settles in my stomach and I get the chance to sort through all of the photos to share them with you.
Here are the three pies that didn’t make the cut. There was no science in the final selection process–just a volatile mixture of exhaustion, indecisiveness, a last minute scramble to fix details, and then a solidifying “This is it!’ moment. These are fine pies and in another year, might have made it to the finish line. I’m glad they were here to greet me the morning after. M and I enjoyed them over the weekend and when I get my act together, I’ll post about them individually so you’ll get a chance to experience them as well.
Everyone is a winner! I’m positively certain we would’ve loved each of these pies as much as the cranberry curd tart and caramel salted tart. Pie sounds great right about now actually…
The apple pie is stunning, Ken. If these pies didn’t make the cut, I can’t wait to see which ones did!
the Apple Rosette Pie is beauuuutiful
I wouldn’t be able to choose, but I’d sure taste test each one!
Gorgeous – all of them. I don’t think I can pick just one. The lemon is definitely tickling my fancy right now as I enjoy a cup of black tea. Recipes?
OMG, they all look fabulous! I so wish I could be there next time :)
Ken, you bring light and laughter all the way to Oregon! I aspire to be making such beautiful pies….wish you were MY neighbor!
The apple is gorgeous but I’m predictable…the bourbon walnut has me wishing for some with coffee, right this minute! The ones you took must have been off the chart because I think all three of these are winners in my book.
The apple rosette pie with the leaf edge is just beautiful, but the “crust” on the walnut bourbon looks irresistible.
I don’t know how you do it, but you are my hero. Wish I’m half as talented as you when it comes to baking. All these pies look absolutely delicious! I wish I could tried all of them. I do LOVE the cranberry curb tart,a and of course my favorite salted caramel pie that you brought. Once again great job on co-hosting such a fabulous event. xo
These all look fantastic! I can only imagine how delicious they must taste since the ones that did make the cut were so extraordinary.
I want all of these! Each one looks incredible!
Congrats on another successful pie party, Ken!
The pies are beautiful. I hope you and yours are doing well.
oh my, how do I choose? My compulsion makes ME want to eat everything! =)
I really enjoy your blog–I’m following you on twitter, too ^.~